General Information of Spijikenisse
The new town of Spijikenisse is located in the South of the Netherlands near Rotterdam. On the one side there is Rotterdam, it has port which is the largest in the world. On the other side there are little towns. The total area of Spijekinesse is 30.23 km² (land 26.16 km², water 4.07 km²).
Around 300 BC the first dwellings were built by small families. They have located there, because Spjikenisse is suitable for fishing and hunting. It is result of being next to water and forest sources. The name of Spijkenisse is originated from its shape “spite neus” (sharp nose) It is a peninsula.
Urban Development
Spijkenisse was much isolated from the mainland-Rotterdam- until the building of a bridge, which connected Spijkenisse to the city of Rotterdam. Before this bridge Spijkenisse had almost no change of inhabitants, because of this bridge the diversity of the inhabitants of Spijkenisse changed a lot. Spijkenisse is situated on the island of Voorne-Putten. It is a new town with the population approximately 75.000 (2006). Over the past forty years, Spijkenisse has developed from a small village to a medium-sized town, with large child-friendly housing estates.
Population Growth
Spijkenisse had a population growth during 1960’s and 1970’s. After the Second World War, the village had 2.700 inhabitants experienced a rapid growth as a result of expansion of Rotterdam’s port into Spijkenisse’s backyard. Thousands of people who have worked for this port were accommodated on new estates around the original village.
In 1960 its population was: 3.700
In 1976 its population was: 32.000. It was not the end point of Spijikenisse’s development.
To cope with the migration from the large cities into the rural areas, the government designated a number of centers of urban growth. One of these centers was Spijkenisse. In 1977 Spijikenisse became a municipality. After that the municipality has become responsible to built at least 16.500 dwelling units within 15 years. This sudden growth caused some problems about Spijikenisse. There was a question: does it should be town?
There are a lot of people moving from Rotterdam to Spijkenisse and it seems that the city is losing its own identity. Therefore the city has made a plan which involves giving the heart of the city some mode and luxury. 10.000 dwelling units were built until now and the population is 75.000 (2006). It will increase, because there should be 6000 dwelling units more.
Green Town
Spijikenisse is often described as a green town. In the plans which made for Spijkenisse there were purposes to bring the countryside into the town, and it has been successful. Green areas around the town run into the town as fingers. In the town center, most populated area, there is green area called Center Park.
Health Care
Spijkenisse is frequently described as the educational centre of the region. It is center also at health care. There are hospitals and various residential care homes for the elderly in Spijkenisse.
Art and Culture
There are a lot of art and culture places. These provide settlers take courses and have various social activities. These places are designed to emphasize city.
There are different types of houses:
Penthouse with view over the river.
A single-family dwelling on a peaceful estate
An old people’s flat near the town centre
Busy Town
There is no lack of activity in Spijkenisse. The town has a number of industrial estates totaling around a hundred hectares in area. There are also various shopping centers. Retail trade, business services, construction and industry are the main foundations of the local economy, while education and health care are also major employers. Employment in Spijkenisse has risen sharply, and there are approximately 18.700 full-time jobs (one person works for four people)
During the town’s development process, the main point was constructing large numbers of dwellings. Nowadays, the municipality focuses on the quality of the residential and living environment. These goals have to be reached particularly through radical renovation projects.
Another important area of attention is public safety. Spijkenisse is one of the safest towns in the country, and the municipality wants to retain and improve this position.
Town Square Plan
The Spijkenisse locates on natural area and people have choosen this place to settle, because it is appropriate for hunting and fishing. The town is close to Rotterdam, has the largest port in the world. After the town was connected to Rotterdam, the population of the town started to increase sharply.
It became a municipality and the municipality made a plan to produce houses. The town is also the center- education, health, entertainment, shopping- of the region The number of people wanting to live in Spijkenisse increases. Therefore, the municipality prepare a plan for 2010. In this plan there are purposes to make Spijkenisse more attractive and safe.
General Information of Nieuwegein
Nieuwegein is a municipality and city in the province of Utrecht. It is bordered Dutchon the north by the city of Utrecht, the provincial capital. It is separated from Vianen to the south by the river Lek and borders on Ijsselstein in the west and Houten in the east.
During the sixties it was clear that Utrecht was too small for the number of inhabitants of it’s town. New living-areas had become designated for the house need. There was space free in the south area of Utrecht. The municipality Jutphaas and Vreeswijk were located in this area. These municipalities joined together on the first of July 1971 to the municipality “Nieuwegein”. Nieuwegein will function as an extension municipality for the city of Utrecht.
By bringing the police force supervision at the A-12 road on the ground area of Utrecht, the border was changed by the first of January 1973.
Nieuwegein stood ± 83 hectares ground between this Rijksweg, the Merwedekanaal and Amsterdam-Rijnkanaal. By 1 January 1989 once again a modification of the borders with the municipalities Ijselstijn, Linschoten, Utrecht and Vleuten-De Meern took place. This happened within the framework of a municipal division in the west of the province Utrecht.
Nieuwegein count approximately 25,700 households. Of this 54.8% is buy, 33.4% social hiring, are 8.6% remaining hiring and 3.2% is unknown. With the percentage of 33.4% social hiring it lies against the average of the Netherlands. This is due to systematically arises of the city. By conditions clearly at the decision-making in 1971, a good social proportion has arisen. The social house file becomes for a major part by the Mitros looks after. The Mitros are of the largest social house construction society of the edge city.
In the year 2008 Nieuwegein has approximately 62,000 inhabitants, living in more than 26,000 houses. Its size enables Nieuwegein to offer the citizens all kinds of facilities, although it has at the same time remained small enough to be convenient and surveyable.
There is ample employment in Nieuwegein: roughly 40,000 people have their workplace here. Nieuwegein has today reached the end of its growth. The town has now entered into a phase in which it will have to focus on the management and maintenance of the present town. Nieuwegein fulfils these tasks from its vision on the city. It aims to be a green, clean and safe town that people know and appreciate. A town in which all people are willing and able to take their responsibilities. Which has an administration that performs its duties and does this well, and a society that shows initiative.
In the first years of its existence, Nieuwegein attracted much attention from within the Netherlands, but also from abroad. This new town was not just the result of spreading out one old residential and working community - as was the case in centres of urban growth like Zoetermeer, Lelystad or Almere - but the spreading out of the two former village centres of Jutphaas and Vreeswijk. Both had their own characters and their own long histories, but both had always remained connected to the city of Utrecht.
New districts with historical names, such as De Batau, Doorslag, Galecop, Huis de Geer and Zuilenstein, popped up like mushrooms. The countryside was urbanized. Rustic living surrounded by urban facilities; that was the motto. Besides the construction of houses, industry and services were also given a place in the form of modern, spacious industrial areas and business centres. The central location of Nieuwegein in the Netherlands proved to offer great advantages to these sectors.
Variation in Houses
Health Care
Nieuwegein is a city for anyone and everyone. In the area of health care, there is an elaborate facility network which combines general practitioners, social work, domestic care, home nursing and physiotherapy. There are also local and regional care facilities, such as nursing homes, rest homes and surrogate family homes for both the mentally and physically disabled. Moreover, Nieuwegein houses the Sint Antonius hospital. This hospital enjoys great fame for its heart and lung specializations.
From nursery school to district school
There is also a great diversity in the educational institutions established in Nieuwegein. For the tiny tots, there are day nurseries and play groups. In almost every district there are three types of primary schools for the older children: Roman Catholic schools, protestant schools and public schools. In addition, there is Montessori education. The city also has several secondary schools, so that students do not need to travel outside their own town. Nieuwegein has an institution for industrial and vocational training and there are facilities for adult education.
Theatre De Kom and the modern Plaza Cinema together constitute the cultural offering of the city centre. It will suit the tastes of both lovers of entertainment and artistic connoisseurs. Featuring performances by theatre groups, music ensembles and other artists, the stylish theatre is a cultural attraction for the entire region. Moreover, Nieuwegein offers excellent facilities for those who practice art themselves.
Sports, recreation and relaxation
In the area of sports, Nieuwegein also has ample opportunities. Many national sports federations have selected Nieuwegein as their place of domicile. Of course, those who practice sports play the central role. More than fifty percent of the Nieuwegein inhabitants practice sports actively. They have a choice of numerous sports facilities. The Oudegein city park and the children's farm with its animal pastures are also much loved in Nieuwegein. Whoever is looking for nightly entertainment, can visit one of the establishments in the city centre, in the districts or in the old village centres of Vreeswijk and Jutphaas.
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